This adventure isn’t about change but it seems to be an inevitability.
World Rent A Car FZCO (hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR) being the lawful owner of the motor
vehicle described overleaf (hereinafter called the vehicle) hereby rents to the Customer (hereinaer
referred to as the LESSEE) who signed overleaf subject to all terms and provisions overleaf and provisions
herein on this rental agreement in considera+on whereof the LESSEE acknowledges and agrees that.
1.The LESSEE declares that he/she along with their representa+ve/s whose name is men+oned overleaf
in the column User Name ‘s’ is licensed to drive the hired vehicle according to the UAE traffic laws.
2.In the agreement the expression ‘period of hire’ shall mean the period from the ren+ng of the vehicle
including the replacement vehicle/s if any to the +me it is redelivered into the custody of the LESSOR.
3.The LESSEE acknowledges that the vehicle was delivered to him/her in good and road worthy condi+on
and agrees to return the same condi+on with all accessories to the LESSOR’s sales / service center or
other as specified overleaf on the date agreed or sooner upon demand of the LESSOR. The LESSOR
reserves the right to repossess the vehicle at any +me without demand at Renters expense if vehicle is
used in viola+on of this agreement.
4.The LESSEE is responsible for the cost of fuel and oil consumed during the period of hire and has to
ensure that at all +mes the vehicle is correctly filled with suitable oil, coolant, ba:ery water and the
tyres are kept properly inflated and also the vehicle and instruments are not tampered with or damaged.
A good standard of cleanliness should also be maintained during the period of hire. Failure to carry out
these checks could result in damage to the vehicle in which case the LESSEE will be responsible for all
repair costs incurred.
5.The LESSOR absolves itself of any responsibility for any cash or valuables belonging to the LESSEE that
may be lost whilst the vehicle is in his/her possession or after the en+re period of hire or when the
vehicle is taken for service repairs.
6.The LESSEE should ensure that he/she signs the check-out and check-in documents at the +me of
delivery or return of the vehicle, otherwise the +me in and out and date men+oned in the agreement
overleaf will be treated as the +me and date of hire and off hire for billing purposes.
7.The LESSEE shall be liable to keep the car clean otherwise AED 100 will be charged for exterior & AED
300-500 will be charged for Interior cleaning.
8.Due date men+oned in the agreement is the expected date of return of the vehicle by the LESSEE
which may be extended as mutually agreed in wri+ng & LESSEE has to inform to concern Sales Person
(LESSOR) for car pickup otherwise contract will be considered as open or running contract.
9.PAYMENT: a) Any delay in payment will be considered as viola+on to this agreement and suitable
ac+on such as repossessing the vehicle or legal ac+on, if so required, will be taken. Nonpayment, also
releases the LESSOR from having to provide back-up maintenance and/or replacement vehicle, any
damages resul+ng due to this will be the LESSEE’s responsibility who will be liable to compensate the
LESSOR for the repairs. b) For corporate customers who have provided an LPO; if a vehicle is hired or
kept for a period exceeding 1 month, a monthly invoice will be raised which has to be se:led within the
agreed credit period. (48 hours unless otherwise agreed) c) For individual customers who have provided
a credit card; if a vehicle is hired or kept for a period exceeding 1 month the LESSOR will charge the
credit card at the invoice due date every month and no further no+ce will be given by World Rent A Car
FZCO. Invoices may be delivered at a Dubai address or may be collected from any of our offices by prior
agreement. If alterna+ve payment arrangements are desirable for any invoice, it is the LESSEE’s
responsibility to arrange for such payment in advance of the due date, if World Rent A Car FZCO has not
received other payments by the due date we will charge the card that we hold on the contract. d) For
Customers who are paying by cash arrangements should clear off their dues as soon as they incur. A
grace period of 24 hours shall be granted after which the company has the right to confiscate their
vehicles. In such an event the customer shall be liable to recovery charges and all other expenses
incurred during the rental period. All these expenses if not paid shall be declared as liabili+es on the
customer, which would need to be cleared by the customer. e) In case of payment by cheque every
bounce cheque will be charged an extra AED 300/- as cheque bounce charges.
10.The LESSEE is liable to pay the LESSOR: a) Rental charges agreed between LESSOR and LESSEE as
detailed overleaf and all charges accrued as a result of this agreement un+l the end of the period of hire.
b) Addi+onal LESSEE rental charges, including service charges / parking charges if the vehicle is less
elsewhere without informing the LESSOR in wri+ng and/or without the wri:en consent of the LESSOR. c)
Cost of repair due to any kind of misuse and negligence including but not limited to, running the vehicle
without maintaining required water level, engine oil levels and all other basic requirements for smooth
running of the vehicle and/or opera+ng the vehicle off-road or on an uneven area. LESSEE shall be
obliged to pay the LESSOR the basic rental charges un+l the repairs have been completed & regardless of
insurance, tyre repairs and replacement is the responsibility of the LESSEE. d). TRAFFIC FINES and SALIK
charges or any other related expense incurred as a result of traffic viola+on/s commi:ed during the term
of rental agreement will have to be paid by the LESSEE irrespec+ve of any +me delay in no+fica+on of
the same by the UAE traffic authori+es. The LESSEE’s immediate response to such no+fica+on is
required. e) It will be deemed that the LESSEE has accepted the LESSORS invoice in full in the event that
the LESSEE has not lodged any wri:en objec+ons with the LESSOR within 7 days of the date on the
invoice. f) Interest @12% per annum will be paid by the LESSEE on any amount outstanding over 30 days.
g) In case of an early off-hire of the vehicle other than as specified in the Rental Agreement, the LESSOR
reserves the right to charge the rental on a daily basis rate as men+oned in the World Rent A Car FZCO
rate list & also LESSOR will charge 30% of remaining contract. The LESSOR also reserves the right to
disallow any discount in case of late or delayed payment also LESSOR reserves the rights for No any
refund or adjustment on off-hire for any daily, weekly or monthly basis contracts/paid amounts.
11. SERVICE / MAINTENANCE: a) The Rental charges include free periodical servicing firstly at 10000 km.
for a new vehicle and thereafser at every 10000 km. Prior no+ce (2 days) for service or complaints is
necessary from the LESSEE so as to provide a replacement vehicle which may or may not be a similar
type of vehicle for the dura+on of maintenance and servicing of the hired vehicle. In case of breakdown
replacement will be provided with the least possible delay. The LESSEE is responsible for returning the
replacement vehicle within 24 hours from no+fica+on from World Rent A Car FZCO that the original
Vehicles servicing or maintenance is complete. Failure to do so will be deemed as a breach of the terms
& condi+ons of this agreement, and full charges will apply. b) The LESSEE also undertakes to return the
vehicle to the LESSOR for periodical service. In case of delayed services, a fine of AED 500 will be issued
on per 1000 case of serious damage to the engine due to late service the LESSEE will be liable to
pay total amount of damages. The period of hire shall be extended to cover the +me taken to repair such
damages; LESSEE must not let anyone work of vehicle without LESSOR’s wri:en permission. Failing to do
so will be deemed negligent, for any mechanical defect that may manifest due to any way the LESSOR
reserves the right to take possession of the vehicle and carry out any repairs required. The period of hire
shall then be extended to cover the +me taken to repair such damages. LESSEE must not let anyone work
of the vehicle without World Rent A Car FZCO ‘s wri:en permission. c) The LESEE agrees to pay the
LESSOR for any damages caused to the tyres and or/ rims whilst the vehicle is in his/her possession,
furthermore any driving in puddle of water or any other territory which possesses risk of damage to the
vehicle resul+ng in any kind of damages shall responsibility of the LESSEE as the same cannot be claimed
from the insurers. Punctures & damages if any are to be repaired by the LESSEE.
12. INSURANCE / ACCIDENT LIABILITY: a) All accidents/theft/hijacking will be immediately reported to
the appropriate police authori+es and the necessary police reports obtained. Accident reports can be
lodged on telephone number 999 for all the Emirates. Further, all accidents involving the vehicle will also
be reported to the LESSOR in wri+ng immediately. b) The vehicles are comprehensively insured in
accordance with the UAE laws. The LESSEE will be responsible for liability against accidents / damages of
Dhs1750 / 5000/- or actual charges if less for any damage or repair costs, as men+oned in the police
report. Police report which does not men+on third party (Unknown or Hit & run) or in other words
which cannot be recovered against any third party shall not be entertained and will be considered
responsibility of the LESSEE. In the absence of a police report the LESSEE’s liability will not be limited to
the amount stated above or overleaf. Personal Accident insurance cover for the driver and his immediate
rela+ves in respect of death or bodily injures will not be covered in any case whatsoever. c) if the vehicle
is subject to total loss, then the maximum liability against damages is subject to LESSOR’S loss with
insurance and the LESSOR is en+tled to cover all damages, expenses and revenue losses that incur as a
result. d) The LESSOR has right to charge the revenue loss in case of any damages and down +me. e)
Insurance will not be covered for any driver whose age is less than 25 years old or any driver whose
driving license is less than one year old. f) If in case LESSEE has accepted the 30% damages policy over
and above normal insurance excess of AED 1500 then LESSEE is en+tled to pay AED 1500+VAT plus 30%
of the total damages incurred. LESSOR is en+tled to charge per day market rate to cover lost revenue per
day. For any Natural disaster LESSEE is responsible to provide Valid Police report along with AED
1500+VAT charges incase LESSEE failed to do so then LESSOR will charge the actual damage charges to
LESSEE. No any damaged or accidented car will be accepted without any police/Court report &
contract will be considerd as Open contract & LESSEE will pay the charges for that standing period.
13. LESSEE’S CAUTION: a) The vehicle will not be used: i. by any person who: a) is not properly licensed
to drive the vehicle and/or& not authorized in wri+ng in advance by the LESSOR NOT AUTHORISED BY
LESSOR. b) Has given a fic++ous or false name, age, address, telephone number and license details. c) Is
under the influence of alcoholic drinks or drugs/narco+cs, or any other substance impairing
consciousness or ability to react. d) Has at any +me been convicted of any motoring offence unless
details have been disclosed to the LESSOR and LESSOR’s approval in wri+ng is sought and obtained. e) is
under the age of 25 years or possesses a license which is less than one year old. ii. in any manner which
would or might render the insurance void. iii. To subject or to carry passengers or property for life or
reward or for the LESSEE’s business purposes unless he has the necessary license or permits. iv. To carry
a greater number of persons than that for which it was designed. For any illegal To carry a
load which is improperly secured or loaded or which overloads the vehicle or which would or might
cause damage to the vehicle or other road users and/or public property, including hazardous substances.
vii. To propel or tow another vehicle, trailer or other object, viii. For racing, pace making, reliability trails,
rallies, speed tes+ng, driving tui+on or similar purposes. ix. to carry any sort of alcoholic drinks and/or
drugs/narco+cs. Addi/onally in case the vehicle is impounded / detained by the police the LESSEE will
be liable to pay the LESSOR all charges (including accrued rental), losses, damages, fines and penal+es
and expenses by this reason or in respect thereof. x. Outside the country of rental unless pre-authorized
by wri:en permission of the LESSOR also in geographical areas that have been deemed by the LESSOR as
restricted ones.
14. The LESSEE must ensure that the vehicle is parked in a safe and secure place and locked when it is
not in use. Any damage caused to the vehicle and lost keys. the LESSEE will be liable for the amount as
men+oned in clause 12 (b) and 14
15. All vehicles including but not limited to 4 x 4 are for driving on paved roads only. Any off-road usage
should be prearranged and with permission obtained in wri+ng from the LESSOR for all vehicles including
4WD, otherwise driving off-road is not permi:ed. LESSEE will be charged for any damage caused due to
driving in breach with the above s+pula+ons. In the event of a breakdown off-road or away from a public
road it is the LESSEE’s responsibility to bring the vehicle back onto the road at the LESSEE’s expense.
16. If any breach of the terms of this agreement is commi:ed then the LESSOR shall be en+tled, but
without prejudice to any other rights and remedies it may have, to immediately terminate the rental of
the vehicle and to recover possession thereof.
17. Each Salik & DARB toll will incur an addi/onal AED 1 service charges plus VAT & 25% service
charges plus VAT will be applied to Dubai Malls/Centre Parkings.
18. Fuel charges will be applicable as AED 50/- per quarter of a tank for economic vehicle & AED 100 for
4WD vehicle.
19. Daily mileage allowance will be 170 KM, anything above that will be charged as AED 0.35/KM for
economic & AED0.50 for 4WD.
20. A grace period of 2 hours shall be allowed on return date. Further delay shall cause excess charge of
complete day.
21. FINES:All fines and RTA liabili+es shall be responsibility of the customer & LESSEE shall be charged
with a documenta+on and handling charges of AED 70/per fine & he is not allowed to pay any fine
without our permission.
REFUNDS:Cash deposit shall be kept for 30 days after check in date to compensate for fines. After 30
days the deposit shall be returned via cheque but the LESSEE shall s+ll be liable to clear any VIOLATION
liabili+es incurred during the rental period. In case of credit cards, World Rent A Car FZCO has all the
rights to charge fines or any other liabili+es resul+ng in rental period. The LESSEE duly authorizes such
22. Latest +me for check in shall be 6:00 pm. No check in on Sunday & Government holiday.
23. In case of confisca+on of vehicles, a charge of AED 500/- shall be levied for recovering the vehicle
from the LESSEE.
24. Minimum charges for lost Keys will be AED 2000/-. These charges are subject to vary depending on
the brand of the vehicle.
25.In case of expired registra+on, the customer will pay a fine of AED 300 per month on expired tenure.
26. The LESSOR reserves the right to change its terms and condi+ons without any no+ce to any par+es.
27. This agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the UAE. All legal
charges and solicitors’ fees shall be borne by the LESSEE and both par+es agree accordingly.
28. Language – In the event of conflict between the text of this agreement in the English language and
the text of this agreement in the Arabic language or any other Arabic transla+on and any competent
court determining that such Arabic text or transla+on shall prevail, it is agreed the English text of this
agreement shall nevertheless be used to assist in any interpreta+on.
29. The LESSEE acknowledges that person- related data to this rental agreement will be automated
processed. He/She agrees expressly that this data can be communicated to third par+es, especially for
credit protec+on purposes.
About us
World Rent A car FZCO is member of the group of companies, we are already involed in selling use imported cars in auto market Dubai. World Rent A Car Fzco was established in 2014 to offer automotive rental & leasing solutions, as an alternative to owning and maintaining vehicles. To corporate & Individual customers in UAE.
Our Commitment
“We strive to be the best at all times”. We want to be known as the most professional, transparent and reliable Car Rental leasing company in UAE. We are committed to deliver complete Satisfaction and build loyalty by providing superior service and transparent documentation that continually exceeds the customer needs and expectations. We are committed to comply with all government rules and regulations applicable to our industry and we have established systems and procedures to ensure the same.
Quality Management
We strive to enhance knowledge, motivate and train our staff to acquire the necessary skills to ensure continual improvement of the quality Management System in our endeavor to be the best in the field and we ensure that our Quality Policy is well communicated and understood by the staff within the organization.

World Rent A car FZCO is member of the group of companies, we are already involed in selling use imported cars in auto market Dubai. World Rent A Car Fzco was established in 2014 to offer automotive rental & leasing solutions, as an alternative to owning and maintaining vehicles. To corporate & Individual customers in UAE.
“We strive to be the best at all times”. We want to be known as the most professional, transparent and reliable Car Rental leasing company in UAE. We are committed to deliver complete Satisfaction and build loyalty by providing superior service and transparent documentation that continually exceeds the customer needs and expectations. We are committed to comply with all government rules and regulations applicable to our industry and we have established systems and procedures to ensure the same.
We strive to enhance knowledge, motivate and train our staff to acquire the necessary skills to ensure continual improvement of the quality Management System in our endeavor to be the best in the field and we ensure that our Quality Policy is well communicated and understood by the staff within the organization.